@echo off set servername=support echo Installing Notepad on %1 ::Note: "Support" should be replaced with the path to your share drive, it is here as an example. %1 is a batch command that is automatically replaced at runtime :: with the first argument passed to the batch file, which in this case would be the machine name. :: The notepad++ file names must be replaced with the installer you are trying to use ::This line copies the "Notepadplusplus" folder (and its contents) to a folder on the remote machine xcopy \\%servername%\dsctools\Tools\UltraVNC\Server\Notepadplusplus "\\%1\c$\Program Files\Notepadplusplus" /s /i /y /c 1>nul :: This Line executes the Notepad++ installer in the copied folder with the "/S" argument which installs without visual prompts. \\%servername%\dsctools\tools\pstools\psexec.exe -accepteula \\%1 cmd.exe /c "c:\Program Files\Notepadplusplus\npp.7.5.3.Installer.x64.exe" /S 2>nul echo Done! UltraVNC is installed on %1!